

[求是数学前沿论坛]On the Cauchy problem for Boltzmann type equations:generation and propagation of exponential moment

来源:太阳成集团tyc411 发布时间:2018-06-12   762


报告人:   Irene M. Gamba教授(美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校)

题目:On the Cauchy problem for  Boltzmann type equations: generation and propagation of exponential moment 

时间: 2018年6月15日(周五)上午10:45-11:45



We look into the Cauchy problem for Homogeneous Boltzmann problems without initial bounded entropy and solve by means of theorem for ODE systems in Banach spaces. The technique works for collision frequencies satisfy that the larger the relative momentum the higher rate of interactions (i.e. hard potential) types with integrable angular cross section, and initial data the allows for a lower bound on the total collision frequency.This functional analysis, initially proposed for the Boltzmann equation, provides for a good tool works for a large variety of models, namely, the Cauchy problem  for the classical elastic Boltzmann monoatomic gas model for hard potential and integrable angular cross sections, as well as for the multi-component monatomic gas mixture model in a full non-linear binary interactions. In addition, we used it for the quantum Boltzmann equation for a system with a BEC condensation, and the wave turbulence model proposed by  Luov, Newell and Zacharov'95. 



Irene M. Gamba教授是分子动理学理论的世界领军人物,ICES 应用数学组负责人,在分子动理学方程组的建模、分析和数值模拟等方面做出了开创性工作。她的研究方面主要是数学物理和应用数学,特别是在流体力学中的介观和宏观近似、Boltzmann型方程和非线性偏微分方程理论中带电粒子输运模型的非线性分析和数值方法。曾在纽约大学任助理教授,得克萨斯大学任终身教授,工业和应用数学学会的会员(SIAM Fellow   2012), 首届美国数学会会士(Inaugural Class of Fellows, 2012),  AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer奖(2014)。


主办单位: 太阳成集团tyc411(中国)有限公司-百度百科   



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