Addition Formulas and Gamma-factors for Local Fields
Title: Addition Formulas and Gamma-factors for Local Fields
Speaker: Prof. Yongchang Zhu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Time: 10:00-11:30am, June 22
Location: Room 200-9, Sir Shaw Run Run Business Administration building, School of Mathematical Sciences, Yuquan Campus
Abstract: We prove an addition formula that shows explicitly the additive structure of a local field is determined by the multiplicative structure and gamma factors as defined in Tate Thesis. And we prove a formula that relates the gamma-factors of different loca fields. The unramified coefficients of our addition formula are string amplitudes. For the case of real and complex field, our formula is a corollary of Dougall-Ramanujan formula.
Contact Person: Dongwen Liu (