On Orbifold Lie groupoid
题目:On Orbifold Lie groupoid
报告人:陈柏辉教授 (四川大学)
摘要:Orbifold is a simple generalization of manifold. Around 2000,
Weimin Chen and Yongbin Ruan discovered new structures on (almost
complex) orbifolds. Ruan called them stringy orbifolds. It is now known
that groupoid is the correct terminology for stringy orbifolds. I will
explain various topics on stringy orbifolds in this talk. This is based
on joint works with Cheng-Yong Du, Tiyao Li, Kaoru Ono, Bai-Ling Wang,
Rui Wang and Yu Wang.
联系人: 夏巧玲(xiaqiaoling@zju.edu.cn)