题目:The asymptotic slope of Ding functionals
报告人:姚懿 (湖南大学)
时间:11月23日(周五) 10:30-11:30
摘要:On Fano manifolds, Mabuchi solitons are generalization of Kahler-Einstein metrics when the Futaki invariants nonvanish. In order to define the stability notion for Mabuchi solitons, we need to compute the asymptotic slope of modified Ding functional along geodesic rays of Kahler potentials tamed by test-configurations. The main part is due to R. Berman. In this talk, we show that the limit of the modify part is the inner product of actions, as a consequence of equivariant Riemann-Roch formula. 报告人: 姚懿 (湖南大学)