应用数学|Inverse scattering problems with incomplete data
Title: Inverse scattering problems with incomplete data
Abstract: Inverse scattering problems aim to identify unknown objects from wave field measurements. These problems play an important role in many practical applications such as radar, sonar, medical imaging, geophysical prospection and remote sensing. From a practical point of view, we often have incomplete data, which brings quite a lot difficulties for the solvabiity of the inverse problems. In this talk, we consider two typical incomplete data: phaseless data and limited aperture data. We introduce a fast and robust phase retrieval algorithm and design some direct sampling methods for target reconstruction with phaseless data. The limited aperture problems will also be mentioned, in particular, we will present some of our recent research on inverse problems with multi-frequency sparse measurements.
联系人:鲁汪涛老师 wangtaolu@zju.edu.cn