Data Science|Compressive Sensing for Graph Clustering
Title: Compressive Sensing for Graph Clustering
Speaker: Ming-Jun Lai(Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602)
Abstract: This talk is based on a joint work with Daneil Mckenzie. We will explain how to phrase the cut improvement for graphs as a sparse recovery problem, whence one can use algorithms originally developed for compressive sensing (such as SubspacePursuit to solve it. We show that this approach to cut improvement is fast, both in theory and practice and moreover enjoys statistical guarantees of success when applied to graphs drawn from probabilistic models such as the Stochastic Block Model. We then propose new methods for local clustering and semi-supervised clustering, which enjoy similar guarantees of success and speed. Finally, we demonstrate our approach with extensive numerical benchmarking.
报告人简介:来明骏博士是美国佐治亚大学终身教授,研究领域包括:数值分析、函数逼近论、小波分析、压缩感知、图像处理等,在国际著名期刊发表了100多篇学术论文,曾获得5次美国国家自然科学基金资助,培养了19位博士研究生。曾受邀分别在国美国哈佛大学、剑桥大学等著名学府做学术演讲。目前担任国际著名期刊《Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis》以及《Numerical Mathematics》编委。