Introduction to Categorification of quasi cluster morphisms
Speaker: Professor Bernhard Keller (University of Paris)
Time: 15:30-17:00, Jan.11(Monday), 2021
Place: 314, the Ouyang Building, Zhejiang University (Yuquan Campus)
Abstract: Quasi cluster morphisms were introduced by Chris Fraser (Adv. in Appl. Math. 2016) in his thesis under the supervision of Sergey Fomin. They are certain algebra morphisms between cluster algebras all of whose coefficients are invertible. We propose a categorical lift of this notion. For simplicity, we will first suppose that the given cluster algebra with non invertible coefficients admits a Frobenius
categorification. We will show how the passage from the Frobenius category to its derived category lifts the localization at the coefficients and how this framework leads to a simple categorical lift of the notion of quasi cluster morphism. We will then sketch the extension to arbitrary (skew-symmetric) cluster algebras with geometric coefficients based on relative Ginzburg algebras. This last part is
based on work by Yilin Wu in his ongoing Ph. D. thesis.