田 刚(北京大学) 励建书(浙江大学) 盛为民(浙江大学)
江文帅 (浙江大学) 李奇睿 (浙江大学)
王 枫 (浙江大学) 吴洁 (浙江大学)
| 4月16日(周五) | |
8:45-9:00 | 开幕致辞:盛为民 | |
9:00-9:45 | 朱苗苗 (Quantization for geometric PDEs over 4-manifolds with varying geometric structures) | 主持: 刘钢 |
9:50-10:35 | 葛建全 (IE hypersurfaces in unit spheres) | |
| 茶歇 | |
10:55-11:40 | 朱 萌(Eigenvalue and heat kernel estimates on the canonical bundle of Kähler manifolds) | 主持: 周斌 |
11:45-12:30 | 沈良明(The Kahler-Ricci flow with singularities) | |
| 午餐 | |
2:00-2:45 | 张科伟 (The optimal exponent of certain Moser-Trudinger type inequality on polarized manifolds) | 主持: 陈世炳 |
2:50-3:35 | 韦 勇 (On an inverse curvature type flow in two-dimensional space forms) | |
| 茶歇 | |
3:50-4:35 | 王文龙 (Total Mean Curvature of Nonnegative Scalar Curvature Fill-ins) | 主持: 鲁建 |
4:40-5:25 | 于浩斌 ( Isoperimetry for asymptotically flat 3-manifolds with positive ADM mass) | |
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| 4月17日(周六) | |
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9:00-9:45 | 刘 博 (Recent progress on eta invariants and eta forms) | 主持: 张世金 |
9:50-10:35 | 陈学长 (Scalar curvature and boundary mean curvature flows on compact manifolds) | |
| 茶歇 | |
10:55-11:40 | 王 鹏(On The Willmore problem for symmetric surfaces in ) | 主持: 马世光 |
11:45-12:30 | 张 宁(The functional dual Minkowski theory) | |
| 午餐 | |
2:00-2:45 | 陈传强 (Quermassintegral inequalities in the Sphere) | 主持: 黄耿耿 |
2:50-3:35 | 袁 伟 (Volume comparison and Einstein manifolds) | |
| 茶歇 | |
3:50-4:35 | 徐 露 (L_p Minkowski problems for functionals from geometry and physics) | 主持: 邓宇星 |
4:40-5:25 | 张雅山 (On Khovanskii-Teissier type inequalities and Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations) | |
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