A free boundary problem on 2D liquid crystal droplets
报告人: 耿志远(Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
时间: 5月11日 周二下午2:00-4:00
摘要: Liquid crystal droplets are of great interest from physics and applications. They are important in the studies of topological defects, both in a bulk and on a surface, in understanding of anisotropic surface energies and anchoring conditions of liquid crystals. In this lecture I will talk about a two-dimensional free boundary problem motivated by a liquid crystal droplet model. The problem occurs when droplets of nematic liquid crystals are dispersed in an isotropic polymeric medium. Determining the shape of the droplet and the equilibrium configuration of the liquid crystals leads to a shape optimization problem that minimizes both the elastic energy inside the droplet and the nematic-isotropic interfacial energy on the surface. I will discuss the existence result and decribe some properties of the free boundary. These results are joint work with Fanghua Lin.
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