Profinite completion and hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Topics on hyperbolic geometry
Date: from June 20 to July 20
Venue: Lecture Hall, Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, No.7 teaching building
[ IASM visitors plan to organize an irregular seminar from June 20 to July 20. We will arrange about eight 1.5-hour introductory talks, on recent topics in hyperbolic geometry (and low-dimensional topology). The purpose of this seminar is to enhance communication and learn advances in the area. ]
Upcoming Seminar:
Date: | June 30 Wed.3:00pm -- 4:30 pm |
Speaker: | Yi Liu (BICMR, Peking University) |
Title: | Profinite completion and hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
Abstract: | In this talk, I will discuss recent advances in combining profinite group theory with hyperbolic 3-manifold topology. There are topological properties which are also profinite properties, such as fiberedness, and the Thurston norm on the first cohomology. We will give an introduction to results in that direction. |
Full information about the Seminar can be seen at: