杰出青年数学家系列讲座—Intersection cohomology in combinatorics
Time: October 17, Tuesday, 16:15 - 17:15
Venue: 海纳苑2幢210室 Room 210, No.2 Hainayuan Building
Speaker: 王博潼Buotuo Wang (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Title: Intersection cohomology in combinatorics
Abstract:Many important posets (partially ordered sets) in combinatorics have algebriac interpretations. We will go over three families of examples: toric varieties, Schubert varieties and matroid Schubert varieties. We will discuss how to translate some of the combinatorical invariants into the geometric ones, and the application of intersection cohomology groups in solving combinatorical problems.
介绍:王博潼,2006年本科毕业于北京大学,2012年获得普渡大学博士学位,目前是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校数学系副教授。在2019年获美国斯隆奖。研究兴趣主要是代数簇的拓扑学,以及将其应用于组合数学、代数统计等方面。与June Huh(2022年Fields奖得主)合作,于2017年证明了组合数学中著名的Dowling-Wilson猜想。