

表示论与数论讨论班——Parity duality of super r-matrices via \mathcal O-operators and pre-Lie superalgebras

来源:太阳成集团tyc411 发布时间:2023-11-08   10


时间:2023年11月27日 8:30-9:30


摘要:We interpret the homogeneous solutions of the super classical Yang-Baxter equation, also called super $r$-matrices, in terms of $\mathcal O$-operators by a unified treatment. Furthermore, by a parity reversion of Lie superalgebra representations, a duality is established between the even and odd $\mathcal O$-operators. This leads to a parity duality of the super $r$-matrices induced by the $\mathcal O$-operators in semi-direct product Lie superalgebras. Therefore a pre-Lie superalgebra naturally defines an even $\mathcal O$-operator, and hence an odd $\mathcal O$-operator by the duality, thereby giving rise to a parity pair of super $r$-matrices. This is a joint work with Li Guo and Runxuan Zhang.



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