代数几何讨论班——Hassett-Keel program in genus four
地点:线上 Zoom: 989 9166 4720,https://bccte.zoom.us/j/98991664720?pwd=bzgrb2dDWXpQV0Z5eElGTzBMaVNYdz09
密码: moduli
摘要:The Hassett-Keel program aims to find modular meanings for the minimal model program of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of moduli space of curves. The first three steps of the Hassett-Keel program have been established in all genera thanks to the work of Hassett, Hyeon, Alper, Fedorchuk, and Smyth. In genus four, the last several steps of the program have been worked out by Casalaina-Martin, Jensen and Laza using variation of GIT. In this talk, I will explain how to fill in the gap between these two approaches and thus to complete the Hassett-Keel program in genus four. Our method involves the recently developed moduli theory of log Calabi-Yau pairs, as well as explicit wall crossing to replace hyperelliptic curves and ribbons. Based on joint work in progress with Kenneth Ascher, Kristin DeVleming, and Xiaowei Wang.